(As of 3/7/03): I forgot to add the biggest news! Ryan and his mom filmed an episode of the game show "Street Smarts". It is syndicated and should air around Mother's Day.
(As of 3/2/03): Ryan called last night with an update. He's been rather busy. First of all, he is no longer working for Hollywood CPR. He left for a number of reasons but is now working on both JAG and The Agency. Betweent he two shows he keeps very busy. He is also working with a friend in the Hollywood memorbilia business. This particular business is called Entertainment Rarities. They collect up various colelctor's items - costumes and such. At this moment Ryan has one of Fred Astaire's top hats at his house. (Tell me how this man finds all the cool jobs...)
His birthday went very well, thank you very much. He had a party at his house including over 50 people - friends, family and even ex-girlfriends.
(As of 11/27/02): More pictures are coming but here are two of the ones Ryan has sent. The first is Ryan in Heidelberg, Germany. When he and his mother went to Norway this summer, he took a brief trip to see his godbrother Allen in Heidelberg and then rejoined his mother. The other photo is of Ryan and his brothers with their Aunt Gertrude. She is his father's only surviving sibling (she's in her 90s) and the brothers made a point of visiting her when they vacationed in Florida. As I said, other photos will be added. Ryan has sent some really fascinating ones, including two from when he did Jesse Hawkes and one from when he did Muppets Tonight. Plus there is another black and white head shot and another great one from Germany.
(As of 10/17/02): Ryan is now working for Hollywood CPR - a prop house and training facility for disadvantaged kids. Ryan runs the prop house (which contains props from such shows as X-files and Seinfeld and other shows no longer in production) and teaches. He was approached by the founders while working on My Wife and Kids and thoroughly loves his job. It gives him a chance to use his experience and give back what he's learned while also working with kids. This also means that he's working full time (compared to working as a set dresser and having months where nothing is in production). So, this is pretty much a perfect situation for him and he is very happy (the private life is going rather well, too). He says they are eager to get any donations they can get at this point. As he put it, "We'll take anything." Proceeds from prop rental go to help the program and all contributions - financial or matierials - are tax deductible. Check out their site: www.hollywoodcpr.org for more information. Ryan is going to send us a packet of inforamtion (and some pictures) this weekend, including an article about Hollywood CPR from an industry magazine (including some about him). So, keep checking back. He also wants us to know that this doesn't mean he's giving up acting. On the contrary, if something comes up - just as it did last spring, he'll work it into his schedule and do it. This is just a new and exciting turn to his career and we will post more as we have it. In the meanwhile, check out the website and donate what you can!
(As of 8/5/02): Spoke with Ryan yesterday and he's had a very busy summer with a lot of travelling. First, as I reported earlier, he went to his cousin's wedding in Atlanta. All of his brothers and his mother also attended. After the wedding his mother flew home and he and his brothers (all three of them) went on a road trip down the eastern coast of Florida. The trip was arranged by Shaun and it was "a real bonding experience". The trip lasted about 12 days and took them to such places as Orlando, Ft. Lauderdale, Miami and Key West. They had a great time and took a lot of pictures (Ryan has promised to send us some copies so look for them in the near future). After the trip, Ryan flew home and two and a half weeks later he was off to Norway with his mother. They stayed in Norway for about two weeks and then Ryan went to Heidelberg, Germany to spend about a week catching up with someone he grew up with. He said he had a great time and was rather intrigued with the way the sun stayed up all day and all night at this time of year.
(Professionally, Ryan is no longer with My Wife and Kids. He has moved onto a new project but is rather tight-lipped about it right now since it is in its early stages. All he could say is that he's working behind the scenes on both TV and film. His agent is submitting him for work and he is auditioning. He tried for some commercial spots a few weeks back. This is the slow time of year for acting work so things should pick up a bit in the next few months.
Make sure you check out the FAQ pages for answers to some of your questions!
(As Of 7/30/02): TV still shots are now available at https://rcassidypage.tripod.com/starlives.html courtesy of Cheryl. Ryan was in the last ten minutes of the show and I'll provide a transcipt of what was said in the near future!
As of 5/17/02): This news tidbit from Cheryl C.: Yesterday, David was trying to play matchmaker for Ryan on Good Day Live (a syndicated Fox morning talk show). He was trying to match entertainment hostess Dorothy Leucy with Ryan, whom he discribed to her as "36 & much better looking than me". Unfortunately, Dorothy is married. It was cute. Ryan has probaby seen Dorothy as she also appears on the Fox-11 morning news here in LA.
(As Of 5/09/02): Spoke with Ryan this morning and he's finishing up his work on My Wife And Kids tomorrow - at least for the season - he seems to enjoy working on this sitcom and will be back for the fall season. As for acting, he has a new agent who has started representing him and submitting him for jobs after seeing him in The Family Game. So, the future looks very bright and hopefully we'll be seeing him on stage and in front of the camera again soon.
Ryan is not only doing well, he is going to be very well-traveled. He just got back from London where he appeared in a show called Starlives - a show similar to This Is Your Life - for David. It probably won't be shown in the states but Ryan says he sould be getting a copy and don't think I won't try to get a copy of his copy! If I do, at the very least there will be a transcript here! Evidently the production treated him very well, flew him out there, top notch hotel - the works! Later this month he'll be flying to Atlanta to attend his cousin's wedding and then in June he'll be going to Europe with his mother to visit family friends who are more like extended family) in Norway and Heidelberg, Germany. Needless to say, since he's wanted to visit Germany for awhile, he's looking forward to it. Who will take care of Riley (who was sitting with his daddy during the conversation)? The people renting his guest house help take care of the little boston terrier and will gladly babysit. (I knew some of you were wondering, so I asked.)
Is he looking forward to any movies this summer? Yes - just like the rest of us, he really wants to see Spiderman and is also wanting to see the next installment in the Star Wars saga.
What about Mother's Day? Ryan says they're planning to get together and go out to lunch and then to church.
More tidbits will be posted in the FAQ!
((As Of 3/01/02): Thanks to Susan M., we have the basic press release for the play: press release
(As Of 2/21/02): Thanks to Patti, we have another review of the play and again Ryan gets top marks for his performance. Here is the review: http://www.reviewplays.com/family_game.htm
(As Of 2/19/02): Ryan called to share the details on his new play which is doing very well. He apologized
for not telling us sooner and laughed when I told him it had leaked onto
the internet, saying, "You know, I don't doubt it." He's sending a copy of the flyer and the review.
Here are the basic facts: Ryan is playing the role of Chris in "The Family
Game" at the Bitter Harvest Playhouse. The basic story is about a woman
who was molested as a child. Her brother (Chris aka Ryan) who was also
molested returns home. He has dealt with the pain through religion and
has forgiven his father. He wants her to do the same. It is a very intense
Ryan said the whole thing just fell into his lap. He received a call from
a friend who was directing this play, saying he thought Ryan would be great
in the role and asked him to audition. Ryan agreed, auditioned and won
the role. He worked weekdays through January doing his regular set work
and rehearsed weeknights and weekends. The play opened February 9 and should
run until March 19. Shows are Saturday nights and Sunday afternoons.
How are the reviews? As Ryan put it, "Okay, they didn't like the play but they liked me!" The Daily Variety review did not like the play itself but had
some very positive things to say about Ryan and the other performers. Ryan
said he is really doing this play for himself and says his performance improves
every night. The fact that the reviewer had only positive things to say
was very encouraging to say the least. He said the audience response has
been even better.
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