
I realize the scan is a bit hard to read and I do apologize, so here is a typed version of what he had to say:
1)Okay, we've set out to see the projects you've worked on (king of Queens and One True Thing being the most recent), but you're not given credit. Are you working with other designers? What's the reason?
They do not give film credits to "day player" art people. That's why I did not get a credit on 'One True Thing". I am working with some great new designers.
2)Aside of collecting Titanic memorabilia, what else do you do in that rare moment of free time? Is there anything else you collect?
My house looks like a museum. That's about all I can say.
3)What's your basic list of favorites? (Music, television program, movies, books...I think you know the drill.)
Movies and music about sum it up for me. Though I do admire and respect all the arts.
4)Do you have any pets?
A Boston Terrier named "Riley"
5)You're going to love this one. In the Titanic documentary, are you in the Butterfield & Butterfield auction footage? How did you become part of the documentary?
I was not in the auction footage. I believe I was after that part. A friend told the producer about my interest, and they called me. Subsequently came over and interviewed me.


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