1977 Wedding of Mother Shirley Jones and Stepfather Marty Ingels (Ryan Was an Usher and Lit the Candles Lining the Aisle Before the Ceremony)

Ryan And His Mom as Printed in Tiger Beat in 1971 -- Unfortunately They Confused Ryan With Shaun in the Caption
Shirley remembered the day she and 5 yr. old Ryan were taking a walk after a summer rain shower. Ryan stared into a rain puddle and realized the whole world was mirrored upside down! The clouds and sky were on the ground -- and the bright rainbow colors surrounded the edge of the puddle! Ryan turned to Shirley and his eyes were big with wonder as he asked why the world was upside down! And she laughed outloud as she remembered the look of concern that crossed his face when he asked, "Mommy, has the rainbow fallen into the puddle?"
- Tiger Beat Presents The Partridge Family Magazine - April 1972

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Growing up in a famous family means having your formative years captured in the flash of
media cameras. The photos on this page are from various publications (all of which are unknown at this time)
from over the years and one fan.

The Family in the Early '70s -- Source Unknown

Ryan waiting at a 1979 Anaheim Shaun Cassidy Concert (When he Stood Up, Ryan Actually Garnered as Many If Not More Screams From the Girls Than Shaun Did. He Later Said, "The only thing that went through my mind was why so many people screamed at me. I'm not famous yet." (Questionnaire 1982)
What Can't Be Seen in This Photo Taken by an Unknown Fan Is the Large Mass of People Staring at Him.)

The Group at a 1972(?) Moms and Moppets Luncheon