![]() Me After Graduating from KU in 1995
![]() The UMC School of Law -- Where I Used To Spend Most of My Waking Hours. It Tests the Theory That 'Your Mind Can't Absorb What Your Behind Can't Endure' on a Daily Basis
I reluctantly submit myself, image, reputation and all other pertinent perceptions I have ever had of myself to the mercy of your viewing "pleasure". I figured that if Ryan has to have himself out there for an ever-growing number of pages, I should be willing to submit myself to one (and it will be only one). I'm slowly putting this one together, so please be patient. Those of you who have complaints because I've used your picture here can direct them towards that wall over there. The only person allowed a complaint here is Ryan. Now, this isn't The Dating Game or Jeopardy, so you're not going to get how tall I am. You're definitely not going to get my weight or measurements (I'll take those to my death so help me God!). I don't think anyone cares if I like fuzzy bunnies and dislike toxic waste. I'm just your average working drone who spends her day in a cubicle, wasting a law degree and wondering if she will ever pay off her law school debt. I work for a wholesaler of personal products for hospitals, nursing homes and prisons. Basically, I have a regular daily vocabulary of things used on the bare butts of young and old alike …. Okay, here are some of my dubious honors: (high school) National Honor Society, Quill and Scroll (truly a dubious honor as I was the only one in school to be nominated and be accepted), Spanish Honor Society, Model U.N. Preplenary Member, Secretary of Psych Club, Senator of the alternative student council (there was actually a revolt my junior year), Outstanding High School Students of America, Editor of the school paper, Mock Trial, Student Representative to two city council committees, Odyssey of the Mind, Who's Who Among American High School Students, (college) Dean's List, National Dean's List, Golden Key Honor Society, Alpha Phi Omega co-ed service fraternity, V.P. of College Democrats, Executive Board of the Feminist Alliance, Undergraduate Award in Snyder Bookcollecting Contest, and Recipient of the Nelson Research Grant, Auction Committee Chair for the Women's Law Association, and Member of the Student Bar Association. Hi, my name is Michele and I'm a recovering nerd/geek. I think this is where everyone says in unison, "Hi, Michele." I have been a "fan" of this family (especially Jack) -- I just don't like the word -- for more years than I can count (remembering that lawyers become such because they lack the math skills to go to med school). I have collected on Ryan since about 1984 and have amassed a decent collection that includes such things as the Fiddler on the Roof program when he played "the constable" in high school, the polaroid shown on the second retro page, every video clip available except for the Ralph's commercial he did with his mom while still in high school, and countless pictures and articles (including some I'm sure he'd wish I'd lose). Do I really talk with Ryan? Yes. For literally years now. We’ve talked. We’ve emailed. We’ve “done coffee”. He is honestly one of the most wonderful people I have met in my life. I wouldn’t keep this up and do this work if he wasn’t. He deserves this recognition. He really does. I interviewed his mother in 1986, met and spoken with Marty and Patrick on more than once occasion and have spoken with Evelyn Ward on the phone. I've known Cheryl and Susanne and worked alongside them. I really have to hand it to them for sticking in there and they do a great job. It's also been great to meet the "newcomers", too. I also collect books -- more than I'd like to admit at times and my mother really wishes I'd retrieve some of my collection. (Corky has claimed that I don't really read them -- I just like to stand on them to make myself look taller.) At present the total is in the thousands and include a minor collection of Victor Hugo works, another minor collection of the works of Percy and Mary Shelley, a general collection on women's issues and, my pride and joy, a collection on the history and criticism of women's health. The latter has books dating back over 150 years, including midwifery text and "advice" books. This is the collection that he University of Kansas gave me an award for in 1995 and have been trying to get their hands on ever since! I have also written extensively on this subject and given a guest lecture. I suppose I should write a bit on my friends. Jen and I have been friends since junior high school. We're practically sisters and have been accused of looking like such (some even say we look like twins -- we don't understand that but just smile and nod when it's asked). All along she has indulged my Cassidy interests and likewise I have indulged her thing for Sting….and Geoff Tate….and Scott Stapp. Her daughter (and my goddaughter) Abby (The Boogan) is possibly one of the most entertaining kids I have met and I adore her. It's because of Abby that we can now enjoy the unique piece of insight: Bugs Don't Wear Pants. It works for me. After all, I can't argue with it and it tends to put everything into perspective. Then there is her daughter Sarah (also my goddaughter) who is Abby’s cosmic opposite – very fiery and full of attitude. There is a reason we call her Sar-osis. We love her though – just can’t help it after looking at that face (which is usually smeared with chocolate – or substances we don’t want to identify). Jen and I are currently planning two works of non-fiction -- we swear they'll get written. We also have plans to open a bookstore someday. She's already getting together the centerpiece collection -- love that eBay! Corky and I have been friends longer than either of us will admit to. She's one of those people who can do just about anything once she puts her mind to it. When you go to a concert with her -- no matter what concert it is -- you're going backstage. That's just about a given. She also has some of the best blackmail photos of me, so I'm stopping there. Doug and I met eleven years ago under conditions that I will not confess here. We've been through it all and survived. He tolerates me and I tolerate him -- neither task is easy at times but we manage. I'm told that when we talk we sound like an old married couple -- but I think we know each other even better than most married couples do....or at least enough to know the quickest road to either make the other person happy or truly piss them off. We even have a song. He went through hell and high water to find it for me for my birthday one year: One Friend. (I always thought you were the best. I guess I always will. I always thought that we were blessed and I feel that way still. When we're together, we make the dream come true. If I had one friend left, I'd want it to be you....) It made me cry and meant the world to me. (Actually I still cry when I listen to it....did I say that out loud?) Tam and I met in the MU dorms years ago and immediately became partners in crime. Although we don't get to see much of each other, we've still remained close and somehow also look like sisters. There is a nice professional shot to prove this, but there's just too much cleavage in the shot to maintain the "G" rating I have going here. I'd also share a few of our exploits here, but I'm choosing to plead my 5th Amendment rights. Let's just say that we were the terror of the seventh floor and leave it at that. She is also the mother of Connor and Owen, sweet children with appetites for destruction. Now there is an Andrew (I think everyone should have one). Again, I will not confess the nature of our meeting lest my immaculate, angelic facade be sullied (and if you buy that….). He is my perfect (or is that perverted?) southern gentleman who likes to remind me I am nothing more than a damned yankee (and there is a difference between a yankee and a damned yankee) – but a cute one so he doesn’t mind too much. I can honestly say I have never been swept off my feet quite like this man has managed to do it. He is charming and can engage just about anyone in conversation. Amazing. I have never met anyone who makes me feel do wonderfully and see the world so differently as he does. He also knew who Jack Cassidy was without my explaining a thing. Even more amazing – and that made him truly a keeper. As for my family, that's classified (okay, I just don't have time to get into it right now). Think of it as something to look forward to. That's it. That's all you're getting from me right now. I've already told you too much. If I told you any more, I'd have to kill you.
![]() Oh, Tam's Going To Be Thrilled I Used This Shot - I'll Have an Even Better One Next Week! But This Is Tam Buying Tequila "For Her Brother" in Mexico (yeah, right).
Sick of Me and Want to See Ryan Again? (I Don't Blame You)